Weaverville Volunteer Fire Department Support Services Minutes
April 5, 2017
Present: S.Alvord, T.Alvord, S.Brown, B.McCall, H.Emmons, B.Emmons, L.Horrocks, E.Horrocks, T.McBrayer, B.Gaulke, L.Guglielmina, K. Boorman
Call to order: 1735
Approve March minutes: K. Boorman 2nd S. Brown
Officer’s Report: No Report
Action Items:
A: Children’s Festival: May 20, 11-3.Will be held at the softball field, getting power for the snow cone machine will be difficult. Will need FF there for the engines-we will ask FF at the FF meeting. S. Brown will get more info for how much space will be available. May meeting we will have answers. Passing around signup sheet for the fire safe house.
B: Mother’s Day Roses: FF will deliver on Mother’s Day. S. Brown and L. Guglielmina will take care of ordering roses.
C: Father’s Day Spaghetti Feed: K.Boorman reports that June 10, 17, 18 will have no community events. Serve 17th 1600-1900. $5 age12 and under, $7 age 13 and under. Sign-up sheet is being passed around.
D: 4th of July: Tabled
Committee Reports:
A: EMS: S.Brown made inventory sign off for AED. Check weekly.
B: Station Maintenance: A work party is in the making. Station clean up at 0900 on June 17th.
C: Equipment Maintenance: All in good shape. 2111 had some items fixed. No major problems reported.
D: Web Technology: Website crashed but it is back up and going. Chief Corbett made a youtube and Instagram account. Links to youtube, FB, and Instagram are on the website. Any photos or videos, send to Chief Corbett via email- chief@wfdca.org.
E: Marketing: Roses
Open Forum and topics for next meeting:
T. Alvord- question with Hazzard reduction. Send information of whoever would like HR service to S. Brown and she will contact and give info.
April 29th & 30th are live fire training at Shasta College. Need food, air trailer. Sign-up sheet being passed around
Thank you L.Horrocks for showing us how to check AED battery.
Meeting Adjourned 1815